Programs and Courses
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5 Courses Bundled!
Online Pet Communication Course
One-Time Payment Offer
Multi-Payment Plan Offer
6 Monthly Payments of $60
I'm so excited to share with you what I've been learning and practicing over the past decade!
In this 10 module, self-paced online course, you will:
Receive access to 5 of my Pet Communication courses, bundled as one. This includes Emotional Issues, Behavioral Issues, Physical Issues, Taking on Family Members' Issues and End-of-Life Discussions!
Learn how to break down mental barriers
Develop your own Animal Communication skills through step-by-step guidance
Practice communication including emotional, energetics, physical, behavioral issues and end-of-life discussions.
Learn how to perform my Body Scan Technique
Learn how to integrate these skills into daily life with your pets for the long term
Gain a new level of understanding and bonding​
AND! You will get to choose 1 of two different rescues for me to send a donation to in your name. Choices:
Pawsavers Rescue
Tzus and Mews Rescue​
An email will be sent to you for your choice.

Emotional/Mental Issues:
Online Pet Communication Course
One-Time Payment Offer
Multi-Payment Plan Offer
3 Monthly Payments of $32.00
Many of our beloved pets are going through emotional issues stemming from traumas, insecurities, personal growth needs, etc... Giving them the opportunity to share their experiences and feelings offers such relief!
In this self-paced online course, you will:
Develop your own Animal Communication skills through step-by-step guidance
Practice communication based on emotional issues with your pet
Gain insights into the why's and possible solutions for their emotional issues
Gain a new level of understanding and bonding with your pet​
AND! You will get to benefit a donation to Pawsavers Rescue and Tzus & Mews Rescue!
Each month, I take a certain percentage of sales and donate to these two rescues. Pawsavers receives dog food as they go through 40lbs of food each day and Tzus & Mews receives treatment products, like Young Living Essential Oils, for their holistic protocols.

Physical Issues:
Online Pet Communication Course
One-Time Payment Offer
Multi-Payment Plan Offer
3 Monthly Payments of $36.00
Watching our pets go through physical issues and wondering what all they're experiencing, how we can help them, etc...can be so hard! Communicating directly with them about these issues can help you both find additional understanding and solutions for their physical ailments and discomforts. It can also help raise red flags and early signals that something is going on.
In this self-paced online course, you will:
Develop your own Animal Communication skills through step-by-step guidance
Practice communication based on physical issues with your pet
Learn how to feel and sense energy
Lean how to conduct my Body Scan Technique
Gain a new level of understanding and bonding with your pet​
AND! You will get to benefit a donation to Pawsavers Rescue and Tzus & Mews Rescue!
Each month, I take a certain percentage of sales and donate to these two rescues. Pawsavers receives dog food as they go through 40lbs of food each day and Tzus & Mews receives treatment products, like Young Living Essential Oils, for their holistic protocols.

Behavioral Issues:
Online Pet Communication Course
One-Time Payment Offer
Multi-Payment Plan Offer
3 Monthly Payments of $32.00
Behavioral issues can be very hard to work through with our sweethearts. Communicating directly with them helps us get directly to the root cause of the behavioral issue. When we heal the root cause, we can heal the behavioral issue.
In this self-paced online course, you will:
Develop your own Animal Communication skills through step-by-step guidance
Practice communication based on behavioral issues with your pet​​​​​​​
Work through your pet's behavioral issues based on insights and solutions provided during communication
Gain a new level of understanding and bonding with your pet​
AND! You will get to benefit a donation to Pawsavers Rescue and Tzus & Mews Rescue!
Each month, I take a certain percentage of sales and donate to these two rescues. Pawsavers receives dog food as they go through 40lbs of food each day and Tzus & Mews receives treatment products, like Young Living Essential Oils, for their holistic protocols.

Pets Taking on Others' Issues
Online Pet Communication Course
One-Time Payment Offer
Multi-Payment Plan Offer
3 Monthly Payments of $32.00
Pets can be highly sensitive to the energetics of family members and other loved ones. One issue that can happen is them taking on others' issues because of this sensitivity to what's going on around them. These energic issues can manifest themselves through behavioral, mental/emotional and physical issues. So, if an issue's cause is unknown, this should be an area to talk about directly with your pet.
In this self-paced online course, you will:
Develop your own Animal Communication skills through step-by-step guidance​
Practice communication and complete an exercise to learn what your pet takes on from others
Gain insights into the why's and possible solutions for this
Learn an exercise to help protect your pet's energy field from others​​​​​
Gain a new level of understanding and bonding with your pet​
AND! You will get to benefit a donation to Pawsavers Rescue and Tzus & Mews Rescue!
Each month, I take a certain percentage of sales and donate to these two rescues. Pawsavers receives dog food as they go through 40lbs of food each day and Tzus & Mews receives treatment products, like Young Living Essential Oils, for their holistic protocols.

End-of-Life Discussions
Online Pet Communication Course
One-Time Payment Offer
Multi-Payment Plan Offer
3 Monthly Payments of $32.00
Knowing your beloved pet will be transitioning out of the physical body can be hard to accept at times. Being able to discuss their needs/wants around this topic is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give your sweetheart. When you communicate with them, you can understand better if they are or are not ready to transition, answer any of their questions, find out what they want for their euthanasia appointment, decide on a signal for them to use to say hi after transition and much more.
In this self-paced online course, you will:
Develop your own Animal Communication skills through step-by-step guidance​
Practice communication based on end-of-life discussions​​
Gain insight into what your pet wants and doesn't want for end-of-life and transition​​​​​
Embrace a new level of understanding and bonding with your pet
Receive support on Anticipatory Grief ​
AND! You will get to benefit a donation to Pawsavers Rescue and Tzus & Mews Rescue!
Each month, I take a certain percentage of sales and donate to these two rescues. Pawsavers receives dog food as they go through 40lbs of food each day and Tzus & Mews receives treatment products, like Young Living Essential Oils, for their holistic protocols.
Itchy Dogs! Raindrop Challenge
Free Course
The only payment required in this course is the cost of products used for symptom management and healing.
Start Today!
Essential Oil needs are provided within the course lessons.
Managing symptoms and healing our dogs who have itchy, irritated skin can be so hard!
I discovered the use of the Raindrop Technique to help my dog, Scarlet, back in 2016.
We had gone through all of the typical go-to medications with our vet and nothing worked well enough to justify the cost of meds, repeated extra vet visits and ups and downs with symptoms.
That's when I decided to learn and try the Young Living Raindrop Technique!
This wonderfully easy technique was developed by Gary Young, the founder of Young Living. The essential oils used within this method support all systems within the physical body and allow for highly effective management of symptoms for all sorts of conditions!
In this course, I'll be guiding you through the oils used with the Raindrop Technique and additional products that can be used for healing the root cause of the itchy issue.
What oils are included
How to administer the Raindrop
2 Path options to take when looking at itchiness with our dogs
Raindrop Technique only: To manage symptoms ​
Raindrop + Additional Methods: To heal the root cause​

Find Calm! Emotional Raindrop
Free Course
Start Today!
Essential Oil needs are provided within the course lessons.
Helping our anxious dogs and cats can be a never-ending story!
Over the years, I've tried several methods to help calm my own pets as well as others' pets.
One of the products I've found to have some of the highest effectiveness across the board with all pets is Young Living Essential Oils. It's incredible to see pets relax when these oils are applied in the appropriate manner!
In this course, I'll be guiding you through the oils used with this specific Raindrop Technique and additional methods that can be used to help release your pet's root cause of anxiety.
If you've been searching for the answer to your pet's anxiety issues this course might very well be your answer! It's free! Go on into the course to learn the instructions, info and demonstration and see if it's a good fit for you and your pet! Then get started!
Reach out with any questions!

Transitioned Pets & Afterlife
Price: To-Be-Announced
One-Time & Multi-Payment Plans Available
Prices: To-Be-Announced
We all love and miss our beloved pets who have already transitioned into spirit. It is my honor to get to share with you lessons on communicating with these pets and learning about their afterlife.
In this online course, you will:
Learn how and practice communicating with your transitioned pet(s) through guided video sessions
Decide on a "signal" for communication, so your pet can use it when they are reaching out to you
Gain an understanding of what pets experience while transitioning
Learn about the afterlife...what it looks like, where your pet currently is, what they've experienced and what they plan or don't plan to do while in spirit
Develop an insight into what your pet wants for their next lifetime
If you're new to Animal Communication, you will also have access to lessons that will teach you all of the beginning instruction for communication
AND! You will get to choose 1 of two different rescues for me to send a donation to in your name. Please watch for an email providing details on this after you complete the purchase

Connecting with Lost Pets
Price: To-Be-Announced
Multi-Payment Plan Offer
Pricing: To-be-announced
It's a scary experience to have a pet go missing. I'm here to support and assist you in connecting with your sweetheart.
In this online course, you will:
Learn how and practice communicating with your pet who is lost
Gain insights into where they currently are located
Gain an understanding of what your pet has experienced
Communicate and complete energetic exercises with your pet to assist in their emotional and mental well-being
Develop an insight into if you might be able to find your pet physically
If you're new to Animal Communication, you will also have access to lessons that will teach you all of the beginning instruction for communication
AND! You will get to choose 1 of two different rescues for me to send a donation to in your name. Please watch for an email providing details on this after you complete the purchase

Spirit Animal Messages
Price: To-Be-Announced
Multi-Payment Plan Offer
Pricing: To-be-announced
There are wild and domesticated animals providing us with spirit messages on a daily basis. These messages can be used to enhance our lives with guidance from spirit.
In this online course, you will:
Develop skills to become open to receiving spirit animal messages
Learn how to "listen" to the messages from spirit animals
Gain an understanding of how to interpret these messages and integrate them into your life
Learn how to reach out to your higher power to ask for spirit animal messages to provide you guidance during specific life phases/situations
See resources to help you dive deeper into your relationship with spirit animals
AND! You will get to choose 1 of two different rescues for me to send a donation to in your name. Please watch for an email providing details on this after you complete the purchase